Eat More, Get Doctors Treat More, Indian Rich People Mentality, Indian Citizens Adv Tirth Grewal
It is a common thing for a man when he has more more money in India he can not eat money but he eats costly edible things all time. A poor man after hard labour eats simple rice Lentils and has a fast sleep at night. A rich man without physically hard work ate Kaju Pista Nuts Butter Pure Ghees preparation and for a full night could not get sleep and called a doctor for menially agony stress and body problems. Simple Living High Thinking is the best way to survive. But it is reverse in India High Living Low thinking that makes him patient of doctors. A smart society where people live friendly, share their assets with others and pay full tax to the government and treat their servants, employees and help them at all times if they need anything. Our India will be a heaven on earth when all citizens will live honestly and will not cheat each other. . . , indiancitizen, corruptioncheating, ludhianaadvocate