10 mistakes you must never commit while eating avocado, Nuse Healthy
Nowadays, avocados are pretty much everywhere you look, from chunks sitting in salads to mashed avocados filling up bowls of guacamole and in 2020, approximately 2. 7 billion pounds of the fruit were eaten by Americans, according to Statista. That s a lot of avo toast But, while avocados are more popular than ever, they can also be surprisingly tricky. We ve all had the misfortune of coming home with a rockhard avocado that hasn t ripened yet, or sliced one open only to find that it s gone completely brown mere hours later. What gives And how can we perfect our avocado game so that we make sure we re enjoying them every time Well, read on to discover all the ways to avoid common mistakes with avocados. Not waiting until your avocado is ripe This is something pretty much everyone who buys avocados has experienced: Throwing a few of the fruits into your basket, but when you get home, either they aren t ripe or way too ripe and have gone brown. Then, if you r