This Is Why Ubisoft Will NERF Zofia Soon Rainbow Six Siege
Hello everyone, and welcome back to another episode of Rainbow Six Siege, I create high quality by combining the funniest and most epic game moments with the best creative editing. I spend hours to make these moments fun and wonderful, I want to turn them into something new and original. Submit your clips to: Awesome people featured in the video in order (Make sure to support them): Mason: JoltenakaR6: Fultz: Rainbow6: Aaron Lin Barrytine yazid jetmate Rainz Minecraft monke Mohamed Almaliki Marshall Jeifier: The Lagger Charlie Nuttle The AIDAN8R Siddarth Baguette Scinti Zaim Faqih CloudFTL: BrianDU AiharaYuuuzu terarria Jamie Parry Peter Huang Rizents McPoppin8314 sly late kwonyechan John Esteban Hedgewig rainbowsixuk Yoga LaChefSki TheRaeParadox: