Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter Trailer, 3 (2012) HD Movie
Subscribe to TRAILERS: Subscribe to COMING SOON: Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter Trailer, 3 (2012) HD Movie President Lincoln s mother is killed by a supernatural creature, which fuels his passion to crush vampires and their slaveowning helpers. Abraham Lincoln is reinvented as a vampirekilling president in this Timur Bekmambetovdirected action picture starring Benjamin Walker, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Rufus Sewell, and Dominic Cooper. Pride and Prejudice and Zombies author Seth GrahameSmith adapts his own book for 20th Century Fox. Tim Burton produces alongside Bekmambetov and Jim Lemley. Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter Vampire Vampire Hunter Benjamin Walker Rufus Sewell Dominic Cooper Mary Elizabeth Winstead Anthony Mackie tim burton Timur Bekmambetov Seth GrahameSmith movieclips movie clips movieclipsDOTcom movi br, br,