Grease: Danny and Sandy sing Summer Nights
At Rydell High School, Danny Zuko (John Travolta), leader of the T birds and Sandy Olsson (Olivia NewtonJohn) remember their summer nights and tell their friends about their brief romance through a song. BINGE MORE: Credits: 1978 Paramount pictures Click to Buy, Rent Grease on Amazon: , BingeSociety, grease, musical Subscribe: BINGE MORE: The Fast The Furious Tokyo Drift Winner gets me: Minions The Ultimate weapon: Anaconda Live bait: Ghost Rider Jail fight: The Grudge 3 The wrong makeout spot: Childs Play 2 I will kill you : Equalizer 2 Two kinds of pain: ABOUT BINGE SOCIETY: Featuring the BEST lines, the BEST characters, and the MOST famous actors. Here youll find the top ente