Super Local, The Designers Transforming Waste Around the World Wonderful Waste
Dutch Designers Pim Luc have devoted themselves to reducing waste and creating sustainable products hand in hand with local communities. As Super Local theyve designed ways to stop the burning of plastic in the Himalaya and recycle it at 8000 meters up, turning tourist generated waste glass trapped on Zanzibar into sustainable furniture and concrete, and built hospital playgrounds out of scrap metal and old cars. They spend months to years in developing regions around the world working as partners with locals to reduce and repurpose waste, and directly benefit their community. They see waste as a resource, both something that can be reused and reduced through design that looks beyond the consumers of the top 10. Supported by ScreenAustralia SuperLocal superlocal Luc Van Hoeckel Pim Van Baarsen pimvanbaarsendesign on instagram Produced by New Mac Video Agency Directed by: Colin Chee colincheents on instagram Producer: br, br,