Krampuslauf Keutschach 2022
Du willst jemanden erschrecken The Krampus, also known as Kramperl or Bartl, is a frightening figure in the Advent tradition accompanied by Saint Nicholas. It is widespread in the eastern Alps, in southern Bavaria and the Upper Palatinate, in Austria, Liechtenstein, Hungary, Croatia, Slovenia, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, South Tyrol, Welschtirol (Trentino) and parts of nonAlpine northern Italy. While St. Nicholas gives presents to the good children, the naughty ones are punished by Krampus. The figure of Krampus originates like many other demonic figures from the Alpine region from preChristian times. The group of Nikolaus, Krampus and other companions is called Bass or Pass in Bavarian dialects. Krampustreiben Maria Rain 19 Uhr, Sportplatz Maria Rain Krampuslauf ThörlMaglern 18 Uhr, Feuerwehrhaus Krampuslauf Althofen, 18 Uhr, Kreuzstraße Kram