Natacha Atlas Mon Amie La Rose, , Live 2013, , A38 World
In 2013 A38 World recorded the live concert footage of this song called Mon Amie La Rose performed by Natacha Atlas. Performers: Natacha Atlas ének; Samy Bishai hegedű; Ivan Hussey cselló; Andy Hamil basszusgitár, kromatikus szájharmonika; Alcyona Mick zongora; Louai Alhenawi ney; Vasilis Sarikis ütősök; Vangelis Karipis ütősök; . Watch the full concert here: Just like the Danube on which it floats, the A38 Ship doesn t care about borders or (language) barriers this has been proven by the wellearned international frame of the venue, and also by the colorful origins of the artists it hosts: Jamaican reggaedancehall legend Lee Scratch Perry, Japanese psychedelic rock heroes Acid Mothers Temple and Tamikrest from Tuareg are just a few examples. The musicians of different nations also bring the traditional instruments and sounds of their home. Its not a surprise that A38 Ship was one of the selected venues to host the