Inauguration Of The New House Of Commons Building AKA Inauguration Of New House Of Commons (1948)
London LS Clement Attlee (Prime Minister) speaking: We are met here to lay the foundation stone for the new Commons Chamber. Most of us here will remember vividly that night when our old House was destroyed. We recall our emotion when we saw the Chamber which held for us so many memories, in Winston Churchill (Leader of the Opposition, later Sir Winston Churchill) and the Speaker, Col. Rt Hon. D. Clifton Brown, on the platform at the inauguration of the new House of Commons building. CU. Attlee speech continues: The wartime House of Commons continued to meet throughout the war, undismayed by bomb or rocket. But Sir, in whatever Chamber it met, the arrangements of its Chair, its table and its seats preserve the pattern of the original. The new Chamber which is now arising will by the wise decision of the wartime Parliament, reproduce the features of its predecessor. For its form has had no small effect on the development of our parliamentary system. It will I know be the hope of all us that this