Build and Deploy a Full Stack AI Saa S Platform with Next js 14, Type Script, Stripe Part 2
Build a REAL SoftwareasaService app with AI features and a payments and credits system that you might even turn into a side income or business using 14, Cloudinary AI, Clerk, and Stripe. Get 3 Bonus Credits for your Free Cloudinary Account: Next Cloudinary Documentation: Clerk: Become a top 1 14 developer in only one course: Skyrocket your career in 4 months: Materials, References: GitHub Repository (give it a star ) README (assets code): Join our Discord Community Follow us. .., LJavaScriptMastery, javascript, javascriptmastery, jsmastery, masterjavascript, nextjs, nextjstutorial, nextjsproject, fullstack, nextjs14 20240216 AhwoksdawU