FPSRussia Shirts: Twitter: FaceBook: A few notes on the weapon and video: This was the L85A2 most simply refer to it as the SA80, while the charging handle is A1, the rest of the weapon including ejection port are A2, it was made by HK after the A1 s had issues. I made a big deal about the reloading however, its not that hard especially if the weapon had a foregrip, I was simply showing worst case scenario loading issues. Also yes I know its a SUSAT sight but when a million people are gonna watch something you simplify things, everyone is familiar with acog sights. It still looks like a donkey dick though haha. My opinions on this weapon are as follows, its very accurate, very pointable, the weight didnt bother me, although it is heavy, Im not a fan of the SUSAT and never have been, but all together I prefer this rifle to many of its counterparts.