We have our own POLICIES, you will have to live with it : Dr S Jaishankar Epic Interview
This Video contains the compliations of most important highlights of the interview of India s Foreign Minister Dr S Jaishankar in Austria. You can watch the whole video or read more about it at Observer Research Foundation is an independent global think tank based in Delhi, India. The foundation has three centres in Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata. ORF provides potentially viable inputs for policy and decisionmakers in the Indian Government and to the political and business communities of India. TIMESTAMPS 0:00 Intro 0:12 Illegal Indian Immirants in Austria 02:24 RussiaUkraine Conflict 03:04 Western Hypocrisy 03:36 India s take on WAR 04:38 Increased oil imports from RUSSIA 06:26 History of IndoRussian Relations 07:23 PAK (Epicenter of Terrorism) 08:45 Future WAR between IND PAK 09:10 China s challanges to INDIA 10:51 INDIA surpass CHINA in population 11:16 INDIA s permanent seat in UN