Men Too, Bettina Arndt AM
John is joined by men s rights activist and author Bettina Arndt to discuss men s issues in relation to domestic violence, the education of boys and the demonisation of men in our culture. Bettina argues that feminist lobby groups have distorted domestic violence statistics while neglecting the abuse of both men and women in the home. This is especially prescient in light of the recent Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard defamation trial, where the jury s judgement would have us question the infallibility of the mantra believe all , masculinity, mentoo , cancelculture, deppvsheard, johnnydepp, amberheard Bettina Arndt, who has a Master s Degree in clinical psychologist, has had a long career in social commentary engaging with views on men and women. She has hosted her own radio talk show and been on television shows around the world while teaching doctors, medical students and other professionals. She served on government advisory committees that investigated family law