Fight the Fat Workout, Sailor Moon Inspired PIIT28 Workout
OMG GUYS Okay, so I loooved Sailor Moon so much as a kid and watched it all the time. Getting to dress up and include the Blogifam as the Sailor Scouts felt like a childhood dream come true. But most importantly, todays superhero themed PIIT28 workout is gonna give you a gooood sweat. With this total body workout, youll be ready to fight evil in no time So cmon Lets kill it Your moves: 1. Quick feet 2. Moon abs 3. Plank jacks 4. Meatball heads 5. Luna lunges 6. Transformation triceps 7. Crescent crunches Perform each move for 45 seconds. Rest 15 seconds in between. Repeat the entire series of moves 4 times through for a 28 minute long workout. If you want the entire PIIT28 experience, go to Here is where I get all of my music Epidemic Sound: My outfit yoga mat are from: Cassey Ho is an awardwinning fitne