Usko Hype, 01: Nick Zizzo
If you re stoked on this film please feel free to support us by visiting the Usko online store Like us Tumblr Usko Hype, 01: TALENT: NICK ZIZZO DIRECTION, EDIT MOTION FX BY: JOSIAH GATLYN FILMED BY: JORDAN GIBO CHRIS JAMESON TJ GASKILL MUSIC: 1st song: LINK WRAY THE SHADOW KNOWS 2nd song: SALEM (S4LEM) SUNRISE We would like to thank all of our customers, fans. Without you guys Usko would not exist. Thank you. Usko Hype is a series of single video parts from the Usko team that we will be putting out over the next year or so. There are no plans as to when these parts will be posted. They will posted when they are ready. And they will be posted exclusively on the Usko Youtube channel along with our regularly scheduled commercials. So please subscribe now