REMINA Aeon Rains
Cosmic Doom featuring Heike Langhans (Draconian, Light Field Reverie, LOR3L3I) and Mike Lamb (Sojourner, Light Field Reverie, Lysithea). Aeon Rains is our debut single and the first in a cycle of songs that we will be releasing over the rest of the year. We plan on putting out new material regularly without locking ourselves into a set album schedule; this approach means that we can put out tracks we re passionate about as and when they re ready, making this a project we can freely contribute to without the delays and pressures that album cycles typically introduce. All funds that we raise through these tracks will go directly back into helping us create future music, merch, and physical items. PURCHASE THE SINGLE ALBUM AT OUR BANDCAMP: FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM: Written recorded by Mike Lamb Heike Langhans Mixed mastered by Mike Lamb at Oneiros Studio Artwork, layout design by Heik