Change Crossover
, NoHappyEndings Done I don t even want to see Marina for a while xD I m so done with her xD Another story idea by FableSecrets :D Thank you Hannah Story: Marina is Cinderella s best friend who is a attending her wedding to Charming. Marina is jealous of the Cindy s life One day, Marina wanders into town and finds Facilier s voodoo shop Faci gives Marina a talisman that has some magic When Marina wakes up the next morning, she finds that things have changed, more specifically reality Marina is now with Charming and Cindy is their maid, along with other people As the day goes on, the magic wears out and things to back to normal Marina goes the shop the next day and offers Faci jewels in exchange for reality to change again More days go by with the alternate reality, and Marina is loving it One day when Marina and Charming wake up, Charming