My, 1 Method for Stopping Procrastination
This video will teach you exactly how my favorite antiprocrastination technique along with why it works and how to improve it. I ll also share a few apps and resources you can use alongside it. STUDY WITH ME: APPS I MENTIONED: Tide iOS: Tide Android: Tomighty: Forest: Cold Turkey Writer: My book 10 Steps to Earning Awesome Grades is completely free, so check it out if you re interested in improving your grades Full companion article: The Pomodoro Technique was invented by Francesco Cirillo more info here: Videos you might want to watch next: How to ACTUALLY Stop Wasting Time on the Internet: How to Take Effective Breaks: A Quick Look at Cold Turkey Writer: If you want to get even more strategies and tips on becoming a more productive, successful student, subscribe to my channel right here: Twitter Instagram created by Thomas Frank Graphics: STUFF PEOPLE ALWAYS ASK ME ABOUT My wallpaper Extension for better control over playback speed (if I m talking too fast)