Camping with My Daughter, Installing Solar on Emily Aislings Cabin
, algonquin, offgrid, camping Click the link and use code MYKITS5 to get 5 off your EcoFlow purchase: We install solar panels on the roof of Emily Aisling s cabin with a power bank located inside to provide electricity to her cabin. Afterwards, we take a few days off and head into the backcountry of Algonquin Park in Ontario Canada to camp, canoe, hike, forage and fish. We cook all of our meals on a campfire, including beef tacos, fish tacos, beef rib steaks and braising ribs, bacon and eggs, pancakes, fried white and sweet potatoes and more. I make herbal tea with fireweed, cedar and spruce, a much needed warm drink after dealing with intermittent rain and incessant strong winds. Cali, our Golden Retriever, spends most of her time swimming, chasing squirrels and has a runin with a mink after it steals one of our fish and hides it in the rocks in the lake. CLOTHING: AMAZON LINKS: