adam virgo ( Elastica vs. New Order) Blue Human Monday
Justine Frischmann Donna Matthews walked out of Reading festival in 1993 after watching New Order s live performance being overwhelmed thinking that they should alike experiment with Elastica s sound in the future. Human was one of the first songs they wrote in 1996 inspired by the New Order sound. You can listen to it s original version recorded for BBC Radio One s Evening Session here I ve always has this secret thought that the lyrics of Human could work over the music by New Order s Blue Monday song as well, so i had a go recording the vox myself since i couldn t find any Elastica vox file ripped on the web. don t be harsh on me since i m not native with the English language neither a singer. punk is the way long live Elastica x Lyrics on Human by Donna Matthews If I was only human Out of flesh and blood