I Never Have To Buy Honeydew Melon Again, This Cultivation Not Everyone Knows
I Never Have To Buy Honeydew Melon Again, This Cultivation Not Everyone Knows Honeydew melon is a good food for summer, a very sweet and refreshing fruit, suitable for hot weather in summer. Growing melon requires a loose, welldrained soil, so you should use light soil, sandy soil, alluvial soil, and rice husk mixed soil, because this type of soil both drains and keeps the temperature of the soil regulated. , promote the growth of the tree, make the tree bear fruit quickly, give the fruit the best flavor and color. Watering: Water regularly to keep the soil moist, but always keep the soil welldrained. Cut off the top: The characteristic of the melon is that it produces both male and female flowers like all plants in the cucurbit family. However, in the female flower of the melon, there are still male stamens, so the plant is easy to pollinate and bear fruit. The melon plant flowers in the first leaf axils of the branch, so if you want to get the wrong fruit, you need to cut the top of th