When Weak People Act Tough
Being strong is not just about being physically strong. When faced with difficult circumstances, some people falter and spiral towards selfdestruction while others survive and even thrive once the storm has passed. No one is completely immune to adversity, but some people seem to be better able to cope with and recover from even the most strenuous conditions. To develop your own mental, physical, or spiritual strength, follow these suggestions. Being tough is about much more than talking a big game. Tough people handle difficult situations with strength and grace. They stay positive instead of letting cynicism rule the day, and they re the ones who volunteer to help when someone needs to take the lead. Like wisdom, toughness can only be acquired through experience. In fact, every problem you have to face down gives you a chance to get tougher. Next time you encounter a tricky obstacle, will you waver and wilt, or will you choose to be tough BUY TSHIRTS: