Philosopher Matthew B. Crawford: Science has become corrupted ( April 30th, 2021 )
Philosopher Matthew B. Crawford: Science has become corrupted ( April 30th, 2021 ) : Freddie Sayers meets Matthew B. Crawford. Following the science is a phrase that we have heard a lot of this year, but what does it actually mean Over the past year, science has shifted from a mode of inquiry to a form of authority that you are not allowed to question in fear of being labelled antiscience. To understand how and why this has occurred, we spoke to philosopher and writer Matthew B. Crawford, who has a fulllength piece in UnHerd on this very subject. , , Timecodes, , 00:24 Intro 01:43 Political legitimacy in a pandemic 04:41 Science vs scientism 10:01 The crisis of scientific authority 12:44 Commercial science 16:10 Climategate 19:18 Scientific and moral knowledge monopoly 21:21 Morality as a public health problem 27:21 Overscepticism 30:47 China 33:38 Politics of fear 35:47 Society postpandemic source : UnHerd :