Hair Styles By Steiner (1957)
Mayfair, London. Hairstylist Steiner demonstrates some of his latest outrageous hairdos. His novelty idea is to use a special highlighting spray to colour the hair. C, U of Steiner primping a woman s hair as he uses a stencil to create a flower design on the back of a woman s hair. Steiner uses a small bottle of powdered colour and puffs away close to the stencil. Pretty funky. He gently brushes the hair into place and admires his handiwork. The model turns to show the style. C, U of another model who has her hair in a Drake s Tail design. Steiner sprays various colours onto the back of the hair to give a flaming torch effect. C, Us of the bizarre two coloured do. Next style involves spraying the letters of the model s name onto the back of her hair. In this case June. Narrator makes some jokes about having her phone number on their too. Very cheesy. C, U of the Flower Fringe hairstyle. A large yellow flower is perched in the model s fringe. Camera pans across to a flower arra