Easy Multi tenant Next JS Apps With Clerk
Clerk 5 is an amazingly easy way to add authentication, with roles, permissions, and organizations to your application. It is a powerful toolkit for multitenancy. Let s dig in Code: Upcoming NextJS course: Don t forget to subscribe to this channel for more updates: Discord server signup: VS Code theme and font Night Wolf black and Operator Mono Terminal Theme and font ohmyposh with powerlevel10krainbow and SpaceMono NF 0:00 Introduction 5:27 Clerk Provider in React 7:00 Protecting Routes with Clerk Middleware 11:53 Applying The Show List to a User 19:27 Sync Active Organizations 25:09 Revolutionary User Interaction 27:43 Clerk v5. .., JackHerrington, nextjs, nextjsbestpractices, reactjs, vitest, nextjspartialprerendering, next, react, reactnextjs, nextjsapp 20240131 lWcDAxNpJI8