KING DIAMOND ABIGAIL, Animated, 35th Anniversary
Abigail tells the story of a young couple, Miriam Natias and Jonathan Lafey, who move into an old mansion that Lafey inherited. The story takes place in the summer of 1845. Upon their arrival they are warned by seven horsemen not to move into the house because if they do 18 will become 9. They do not heed the warning and proceed to move into the mansion. During their first night, Jonathan meets with Count de La Fey, the Family Ghost, who is a deceased relative. The ghost shows him a casket in which Abigail rests. Abigail is a concept album released back in 1987 by King Diamond formerly of Mercyful Fate. I made these animations as a tribute to this masterpiece. The album was released on October 21, 1987 so the album celebrates it s 35th anniversary today. I don t get any royalties from this video since the music is copyrighted. But if you want to support my channel, then you should consider becoming a patreon. King Diamond