SPECTACTULAR Standing Ovations in The Voice Kids , Top 10
You know you ve performed really good when all coaches give you a standing ovation We e gathered 10 amazing Blind Auditions with the biggest amount of cheering. Warm up your hands, start the video and get ready to applause Which performance is your favorite Let us know in the comments below Stay tuned and follow us on TikTok: This video features the following performances: 00:00 Tiany Creep by Radiohead (Belgium) 02:12 Marcin I ll Never Love Again by Lady Gaga Bradley Cooper (Poland) 04:02 Deniza Bepa by Anastasia Prikhodko (Russia) 06:38 Nikita New York by Frank Sinatra (Indonesia) 09:08 Tamillia Halo by Beyoncé (France) 10:54 Lívia Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen (Portugal) 13:30 Max Shallow by Lady Gaga