The red pill bros that are NOT really red pilled
Red Pill is internet parlance, referring to an unpopular and troubling truth, which is contrary to a naive mainstream belief, typically one of the myths of neoliberal ideology. If you re a singleish guy interested in personal growth taking red pills will generally be good for you, the alternative is staying a bluepilled normie and a shitty and mundane life awaits if you just conform to the liberal dogma of modernity while reveling in your own pseudoindividualism. Cultish dogmatism seems to be one of the most natural ways for humans to come together in communities. If you resist dogmatic narratives and arrive at your own conclusions philosophically, even when they make you uncomfortable, you re actually redpilled. Read Everything mentioned here About my book for men Don t Stick Your Dick in a Blender Download 4 free sample chapters (digital book + audiobook)