Affordable Life of Luxury in Thailand: Hidden Cost ฝร งเห นแก ต วร เปล า
This video reveals the incredible perks, as well as the severe, hidden costs that come with living in Thailand. ประเทศไทยเปนประเทศทฝรงจนๆสามารถมาใชชวตแบบคนรวยไฮโซได แตทำไมฝรงบางคนกยงเลอกกลบไปทนลำบากทบานตวเอง In Singapore, I was just a typical 9 to 5 wage slave who couldnt even afford to move out of her parents place. I wasnt wealthy nor well connected, so my life was a constant struggle. Yet once I moved to Thailand, it was easy for me, as well as most other Western expats, to aff