Modern I Would Like to END YOUR TURN
Nothing like saying NO to your opponent But it s not enough to say NO when they cast their spell, sometimes you also want to say NO when they have a turn Jeskai Discountinuity in, modern in today s, donationleagues Decklist: 0:00 Intro 2:10 Match 1 vs Veil Gifts Storm 18:51 Match 2 vs RW Prowess 36:23 Match 3 vs Slivers 54:20 Match 4 vs RG Midrange, Ponza 1:36:50 Match 5 vs BG Yawgmoth If you want to take your Magic skills to the next level and start playing MTGO you can rent your decks from Mana Traders Use this referral link to help support the stream with your purchases: . .. And if you use the COUPON CODE FPAWLUSZLXA you will get a 15 discount on your first 2 months You can support the stream FOR FREE whenever you buy any singles or product from by using this link: Catch the stream live at Follow me on Twitter fpawluszmtg O