The Power Of Love by Celine Dion
You are the greatest and also the best son, always you can follow what s the best same ways of father s do everything. Strictly to think positive it s more and more to looks at the wonderful world with the bottom in pure heart Hamdan You are most precious than diamond, jewelry, silver, gold, any other property on this planet. Because you are the Akharat And Jannatul Firdous for me and my children and our family so true that every day I asked Dua to Allah bless you to be the greatest leader to bring our family to Halal way go to Jannatul Firdous, Inshaallah That s right Crown Prince Of Dubai he is the greatest leader family for wonderful of Princess Who Allah created she was born from his true left rib, Inshaallah, Allah bless them all, Alhamdulillah Freedom of Muslims life it s come from she asked Dua to Allah bless to all peoples around the world I am Emirates, I believe that really You Fazza3 HH Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mo