Doctor Master Endlessly
WATCH IN HD PLEASE IF POSSIBLE MAJOR SPOILERS FOR THE END OF TIME PT. 1 Hehe just a short vid, but still was fun. D Thought this song was perfect for the Doctor and the Master and just wanted to do it. Had to use the new footage. XD Master was crazily blonde straightjacket and dogcollarwearing sexy, and the Doctor was cute as ever, so that droolworthy scene with the two of them HAD to be used. XD I was so hoping for a kiss, but headbump is as good as anything, I suppose. Especially since us Doctor, Master shippers are grateful for anything between the two of them. But we can always hope there s a kiss in part 2. ;D Also, sorry about the noticeable song cut. XD Forgot to add credits, so: Song, Artist: Endlessly by Muse Fandom: Doctor Who Pairing: Doctor, Master (Meaning Simm Master and Tenth Doctor) Warnings: Slash, spoilers for THE END OF TIME PART 1. Program: Sony Vegas 8. 0 br, br,