Jim, Esmeralda Falling Inside the Black ( Feat. Thrax, Odette, Hades, Eris)
This is PART THREE. Part one is Thrax, Odette: Protect Me From What I Want, and part two is Thrax, Odette: Somebody Help Me. Credits: Eris book manip from DragonOfThe6Elements. Thrax s coat over Jim by flowercard. Our story begins with Jim and Esmeralda s relationship blooming. All seems well until one day she is accused of stealing, and is arrested when she pulls her weapon. Jim, sulks alone during his depression after Esmeralda is put to death. He can t help but question Thrax (again, he is the angel of death) about it. He explains that she was not on his reap list but on someone Meanwhile in the Underworld, Hades introduces himself and doesn t answer Esmeralda s questions. Instead, he proposes that he gives her a new body to return to earth and be with Jim. Esme is skeptical, but with all her accepts. Now within her new body, she views Jim with her new found powers. Little does she body belonged to a goddess, a goddess that can only be released if her host had powe