More Cold War Lies: Washington Post Puts Target on Chinese American Community
Is China extending its repression into American cities Thats what a recent Washington Post claims. In a Sept. 6 piece, the Post alleges that, during last years AsiaPacific Economic Cooperation summit in San Francisco, Chinese American community groups and Chinese American community leaders under the direction of the CPC violently attacked those who came to protest Xi Jinpings visit. This, the Post states, is all part of the Chinese governments shadowy plot of transnational repression, directing those within diaspora groups to quash proHong Kong and Tibetan voices overseas. This week Julie Tang and Michael Wong of Pivot to Peace join Amanda and KJ to discuss what really occurred during the APEC summit, the funding sources behind antiChina groups like Hong Kong Democracy Council and Students for a Free Tibet, and the Posts unprecedented use of facial recognition technology to identify and target leaders in the Chinese American community. . Our understanding of China and relations