Sumerian is a Turkic language Linguistic proofs: 160 years of research articles and books
LINGUISTIC PROOFS SUMERIAN IS A TURKIC LANGUAGE 160 YEARS OF RESEARCH ARTICLES AND BOOKS Dozens of local and foreign professors with the directive of the Great Leader Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. History books, written after years of research, were used as textbooks in secondary education from 1931 to 1949. These books too. It is also known as Turkish history thesis. (I leave the google drive link below to download 4 books in pdf). He says that the Sumerian language is a Turkish language. The banning of these books, which goes deep into Turkish history, took place after the FULBRİGHT agreement with the USA on December 27, 1949. Download the 4 banned history books (Turkish historical thesis) as pdf. What will we learn in this video The origin of the Sumerians (Kenger). Sumerian language. Sumerian language is an old Turkish language. What is the Sumerian language really Sumerian language origin. Referance: You can find d