Melissa Barrera interviewed at STARZ s Vida LA Premiere, , Vida Day Proclamation Ceremony
, RCRs JenniferEOrtega talks to, VidaStarz MelissaBarreraM at LA Premiere about the new series, VidaDay, WeAskMore Mingle Media TV and Red Carpet Report host Jennifer Ortega were invited to cover the Los Angeles Premiere of STARZs Vida at Regal L. A. LIVE: A Barco Innovation Center in the RealD Premiere Cinema ahead of the screening, Los Angeles government officials proclaimed that May 6th will now be known as Vida Day. Vida Premieres on STARZ Sunday, May 6 at 8:30pm ET, PT For video interviews and other Red Carpet Report coverage, please visit and follow us on Twitter and Facebook at: About Vida An official episodic selection and Audience Award winner at the 2018 SXSW Film Festival, Vida is a halfhour STARZ Original Series focusing on two MexicanAmerican sisters