Synthesizer V JUN Dream of U Feat. ANRI Arcane
Dream of U A romantic original song by lainxoxo okklain, performed by virtual vocalists JUN and ANDI (ANRI s official genderbend) from their POV Listen to their true devotion in this special event song for White Day ,SynthesizerV, SynthVJUN, SynthesizerVANRIArcane Order JUN and ANRI Arcane: Main Vocals: Synthesizer V JUN Synthesizer V ANRI Arcane ANRI Arcane is configured on ANRI Arcane s serious vocal mode with flags +gen 0. 260, toneshift 167 cents This electronic track features JUN and ANRI Arcane vocals mixed with a stylized autotune flair. WHITE DAY EVENT Check out JUN and ANDI s White Day Event Get ready for White Day on 3, 14 Spend time with JUN and ANDI and our upcoming vocalist, play a dating game quiz, find se