6 Simplified Flowers Easy Watercolor Painting Using Only One Brush Tutorial Step by Step
In this video, I want to share with you how to create 6 Flowers simplified in watercolor. Rose, Forsythia, Tulip, Lily of the Nile, Sunflower, Lilac. we gonna draw small sized flowers so we do not need pencil drawings. It is easier than it looks . I will use only one brush. Please give it a try bigger than this size. The most important thing is that we find flower features and then draw simply. It is like many petals make a flower What about the stem, and COLOR: ultramarine deep, opera, sap green, bright violet, brilliant pink, yellow, burnt sienna. PAPER: Arches Cold Pressed 140 lbs. BRUSH: BRUSH: Escoda 16 Versátil Thank you and enjoy the video and for all your support. I hope you like this video and you should try this one. Please don t forget to subscribe, like and leave good comments. It will give me a lot of happy and good