Vern Daysel Cougar ( Official Music Video, 29 May 2023) verndaysel
Cougar is the first Single Official Music Video from Vern Daysel Call Of The Wild CD, Released 29 May 2023 on Willow Creek Records. Order Inspired by Florida This was a complete DIY project. CD Tracklist: 01. Feed Me, 02. Wild Girl, 03. Bandits Road, 04. Call of the Wild, 05. Gold Digger, 06. Drift Away, 07. Cougar, 08. Chasing the Moon, 09. Rain, 10. Chasing Ghosts, 11. Warrior. Vern Daysel is: Vern Daysel All Instruments Connect with Vern Daysel: Connect with Willow Creek Records: Connect with Lions Pride Music: 2023 WILLOW CREEK RECORDS. A division of LIONS PRIDE MUSIC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. UNAUTHORIZED COPYING, PUBLIC PERFORMANCE, BROADCASTING, HIRING OR RENTAL, PODCASTING, UPLOAD, DOWNLOAD USABILITY (SALES OR FREE) IS PROHIBITED AND A VIOLATION OF LAWS. , VernDaysel, Cougar, WillowCreekRecords