The Queen At Harrow (1957)
Harrow. GTV. Royal car arriving at Harrow School amid cheering crowd on each side of road. SV. Towards, royal car comes to a stand still. SV. Crowd watching. SV. Queen Elizabeth II steps from car and walks towards the entrance with the Duke of Edinburgh. CU. Crowd American with camera. LV. Towards, Queen accompanied by the Headmaster, Dr Robert L. James, walking through school yard flanked by Harrow boys. SV. Queen and Headmaster walk up steps. SV. Harrow boys walk past Master who is calling the Bill. LV. Harrow boys walking past, Queen, Duke and Headmaster watching on steps. CU. Boys walking past camera carrying boaters. SV. CU. Queen in the speech room. Headmaster and the Queen looking up at the panelling of the Arms of the old Harrovian Prime Ministers, pan up showing the plaques of the six Prime Ministers and banners of nine VC s (Victoria Cross) awarded to old Harrovians. SV. Queen and Prince Philip with the Headmaster and others sitting on dais looking at the boys choir. Boys getting ready to