Creature Fins at the Mer Magic Con Mermaid Group Swim
Sorry it s been a while, Merfolk and Merfriends I haven t been producing as many videos, because a lot of my time has gone to running my own mermaid business I create goggles for mermaids at my company, goggills I had the pleasure of vending my products for the first time at MerMagicCon, in Manassas, Virginia Unfortunately, I couldn t get much time away from my booth to go swimming with the mermaids (which is my all time favorite part about mermaiding) But lucky for me, my friend Creature Fins spent enough hours in the pool for the both of us She shared these clips with me, and I was able to experience the group swim seconhand. Now you can, too Comment if you recognize any of these mermaids, or want some more information about their tails Shop my MERMAID GOGGLES at Visit this mermaid convention yourself Swimming Pool by Aftertune soundcloud.