Love our channel Help us save and post more orphaned films Support us on Patreon: Even a really tiny contribution can make a difference. This black white home movie film shows a fishing excursion in Minnesota. This is circa the 1930s and apparently takes place near Lake Superior in the vicinity of West Cook and Oriniack Lake. Opening: Two men in a canoe row the boat (:21). Sign for Sioux River Route, Portage to Little Trout (:44). Two men walk up a trail with backpacks (:52). A man gets under the canoe and hoists it up (1:12). A man relaxes near the water (1:26). People sit, relax, and look at the camera (1:30). People in a boat and in the water (1:50). A younger man dumps a bag of fish out (2:14). Men show off fish that were caught (2:26). A man fishes and another has a net ready to grab a caught fish (2:38). A fish caught on a line (2:54). People fish, pose with caught fish, and toss fish back into the water (3:02). A group of people wash dishes and cook (4:03