SD Snatcher ( MSX2) Playthrough Part 1 of 2 Nintendo Complete
A playthrough of Konami s 1990 cyberpunk roleplaying game for the MSX2, SD Snatcher. The game was only ever officially released in Japanese this playthrough was recorded using the Project Melancholia translation, released back in 2014. This is part 1 of a twopart video. The second part can be found here: SD Snatcher is a complete remake of the original Hideo Kojima classic Snatcher that first released in 1988 for the PC88 and MSX2, though it s popularity in the US is directly attributable to the 1994 English release on the Sega CD. Either way, this isn t just any old remake they completely changed the genre. Instead of a visual novel, SD Snatcher (Super Deformed Snatcher) is essentially an expanded retelling of the original Snatcher as a JRPG. And as crazy as that sounds, it works beautifully. The new bighead art style works surprisingly well for such a serious story, and it makes for a few opportune moments to lighten the mood. The overall tone is sti