Saturn Rings show the Dome Layers of Shown World
Aether is the house of Gods and Saturn (Kronos) is the last cirlce mooving star in the shown world layers. Just like the moon, (that is the gate from the material world to Aetherial) that show us the middle world (the unmoovable plane place we live on), mirrored, the Mooving Aetherial Star Saturn show the Aetherial shown world with the dome layers that includes. Up from Kronos there are the unmoovable Aetherial Stars, stucked on the moovable Hyper Dome, the Sea of the Etherial single Unmovable Stars. Atlantian s God was Saturn (Kronos) and their ring shape instructions were made to be similar with the gardens of the Gods in the Aetherial level.