Nurse With Wound Lonely Poisonous Mushrooms
Crocodile Krazy Glue (2001) Here is some information from the person who made this collection: I downloaded a series of rare NWW files off the net in and around 2001, probably from Napster or something. I wanted to put them on CD for myself but I hate calling things Nurse With Wound Various Rare Tracks, as it s a bit boring. At the time, I was file sharing with a couple of people who were into experimental music. As a joke, I packaged this with a quickly made up JPG cover and told them I found this bootleg on the internet. I hadn t, but I wanted to see if they d buy it. Somehow it got past them and obviously ended up getting traded about. This was in 2001. I know this because the creation date on the JPG I made is from 2001. Keep in mind that this was never meant to be a bootleg. It was never burned to CDR or sold. Absolutely NO money was made from this. It was basically just a rarities collection I made to share between a few friends. I own a large