Planetarium space Tribute Dark Side Of The Moon from Pink Floyd by The Sons Of Floyd
Spatial tribute to Dark Side Of The Moon from Pink Floyd by the band The Sons Of Floyd at the planetarium of SaintMichel l observatoire. Fiftieth anniversary of the release of the album (19732023). Recorded live on June 11, 2023 by The Sons Of Floyd. Sound live Mixing: Olivier Balladur. Planetarium movies: Damien Laurent, Centre astronomique de SaintMichel l Observatoire. Vidéos clips: Christian Dechelle. Captation vidéo: MediaKar Semia. Video montage: Galoubet. Pictures inserts: MediaKar. Lighting: Jeremy Baeme. Artistic direction: Galoubet 2023. Long live at the music of Pink Floyd and their creators. In memory of Syd and