How Moscovia stole the name Russia. An analysis of the funniest propaganda video on You Tube
0:00 Introduction 1:24 Bias of sources in Yaroslav s video: 1:38 Hrushevsky 2:35 Karl Marx 3:39 Dashkevich 4:53 Is Russia the successor of the Mongol Empire 5:22 Snyder 6:38 Peter the Great renamed Muscovy to Russia 6:56 Where did the name Muscovy come from 8:17 Аll foreigners call Russia Muscovy before Peter 9:37 Wikipedia and the Moscow Principality 11:03 The Tsar title 11:32 Muscovy was born as a vassal of the Golden Horde. 13:39 Muscovy paid tribute to Crimea until the 17th century 16:05 Destroy our memorials, canceling our language, burning our books 16:30 The Trident in Russian heraldry 17:02 GaliciaVolyn and the Mongols who destroyed Rus 17:57 VladimirSuzdal and Moscow Rus 20:08 Coins with Arabic script 20:46 Hats with Arabic script 20:54 Pelenski 21:40 Our coat of arms is the family crest