Barrs Copper John Beadhead Nymph Fly Tying Instructions Tied by Charlie Craven
Fly Tying Recipe: (Click the links below to purchase the materials from Charlie) Hook: TMC 5262, 1218 Thread: Black 8, 0 UNI Weight:. 015 Lead Wire Bead: Gold colored Brass or Tungsten, sized to hook Tail: Dark Brown Goose Biot Body: Wapsi UTC Wire, Color of Choice, sized to hook Flashback: Pearl Flashabou Wingcase: Black Thinskin Thorax: Peacock Herl Legs: Hungarian Partridge Wingcase Coating: 5 Minute Epoxy or Thick Solarez PLEASE SUBSCRIBE CONNECT WITH US ONLINE: Visit Our Website: Follow Us On Facebook: Follow Us On Instagram: Follow Us On Twitter: