Ready to grow a big thick chest Lets get after it Visit for a free online visit and free two day shipping. So today I went in and attacked chest one because it happened to be chest day but also to answer a common question I get all the time. There are several versions, how do I keep X exercise out of my shoulders but they all have a common issue. Most people are unable to drive pressing movements through their chest and end up letting their anterior delta do all the work. This video will help you fix that 30 Day Program (20 Full Workout Videos For 20) click HERE: SETS, REPS Seated Cable Chest Press Decrease the incline each time you fail (3 Drops): 3 Sets, 15 20 Reps Foam Roller Floor Press: 4 Sets, 15 Reps Dry Hump Flys Back butt hang off the bench: 3 Sets, 20 25 Reps Wide Grip Pushups w, 5 Count Hold at Bottom Slightly supinated grip: 3 Sets, Failure , p