Tae Sul Seo Hae Without You Sisyphus FINALE
HD is better SPOILERS EP0116 (turn on the CC for ENG, PT subtitles ) Cause I don t want the world to turn without you. They had no right to make me cry this hard with this I think that the airplane scene is TaeSul s dream before dying bc when the camera pans out in the end they are all alone TT Regardless the sad ending, I really loved this drama and got so attached to this couple, it was really heartbreaking to see their end And this video is a complete mess, I was crying halfway through and the rendering suck but yeah ஜஜ Fandom, Drama Sisyphus: The Myth Character(s) Han TaeSul Gang SeoHae Song Coloring mine Program Sony Vegas 15 ஜஜ I don t own these clips, music or any other content used in the video. All rights belong to their respective owners. This video is made especially for the fans, not for profit.